Features of this Converter

You are in control!

You can reconstruct PDF files into Word, Excel or PowerPoint documents just using the default options, or you can fine tune the way that the PDF file is reconstructed.

Either way, the following great features are available.

Quality Conversions

Quality Conversions. No need to waste hours reformatting and reworking your converted Word files.

Table Recovery

Table Recovery. Superior reconstruction of bordered and borderless tables as table objects, with formatting, in Word.

Headers & Footers

Headers and Footers. Advanced options for converting or removing headers and footers.

Form Conversion

Form Recognition. PDF form fields are recognized and converted into text boxes for easy editing.

Rotated Text

Rotated Text Recovery. Convert text from your PDF no matter which way it’s oriented.


Hyperlink Detection. URL hyperlinks in the original PDF are automatically transferred into the new Word document.


Merging logical tables. When exporting to Excel, tables that are split over multiple pages will be recombined.


List detection. Numbered and bullet-point lists are recreated as lists in Word and PowerPoint, not just as text.


OCR. Scanned documents are converted back into text with automatic language detection.